Friday, July 16, 2010

Knock, knock


Anyone home?? Sorry to leave you for so long! As you can guess life with an 8 month old is filled with lots of lounging, blogging, shaving my legs - you know, things like that. HA! I wish! Throw in a couple of weddings, maternity and newborn sessions galore, Texas heat in July, and the fact that we're moving in exactly TWO WEEKS - it's kind of pandemonium around here. AAAHHHHHH! Okay, sorry, what was I doing? Yes, yes - trying to blog.

It's fun crazy though. The fun part is watching Brody grow like a WEED! He's 8 months old this week and busy, busy, busy. I feel like the first few months there were exciting milestones every couple of weeks, these days I feel like he's doing something new every two days. He laughs like crazy and is so expressive. He has the Jacox eyebrows and knows how to work them! It's pretty entertaining.


A few weeks ago he said his first word, which I had no influence over might I say. I'll give you one guess. Jared swears I've been repeating it to him while he's been gone at work, but I've given equal opportunity to mama, baba, and dada - he just chose the right one to say first. :)

He's also starting to grow some hair, finally! He was a little baldie for so long. What's funny though is that it's growing in faster at his crown than anywhere else, so he has a permanent spike in the back. We've tried sticking it down with water or lotion but it won't budge. He's our little Jimmy Neutron. :)


He's also super interested in people, or just a big flirt. Standing in line at the grocery store is like center stage, he's always looking around me or behind him to find someone to make faces at. Which was really cute until he recently discovered the full range of his voice. How do you stop the high pitched, loud as he can get, crazy screeching!? Oh man, I would love to know. Thank goodness he's not as entertained by it lately, but he still loves to bust it out in the checkout line.

When I cover his mouth and say no he does this - his "Who, me?" face.  Also known as  the "Hi mom. I'm 100% pure trouble, aren't I cute?" face.



Kendra said...

His expressions are perfect!

Sierra and Ryan said...

He is so adorable! I love his hair spike. I can't believe he is already 8 months and we haven't seen him since he was 6 weeks. That is so sad! I can't wait until Thanksgiving!

Molly said...

gorgeous child! well, look at his mom and dad! :)

megan said...

I love love love this. I am so sad I haven't kissed those cheeks. I want to see him so bad! Don't you guys want to come go skiing in Utah or something?

Marlene McGarrity said...

Well worth leaving blog world for!

You are so lucky!

Alisha Stamper said...

totally had me laughing. These are GREAT!

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