Sunday, November 20, 2011

Where did this big boy come from!?


These are from his first day of preschool. :) He goes two days a week, for two hours a day, and has a little backpack and everything! I can't stand the cuteness, it's just too much. He even says "pre-cool". I can't take it. It's like all of a sudden he's this little boy who's all grown up!

The month before preschool was a whirlwind of potty training (yes, it's early. yes, I'm an idiot), hand foot and mouth disease (hideous and awful), Brody's 2nd birthday, holiday and newborn sessions, and a trip to Utah to shoot a wedding and visit family. I feel like we got a jump start on the holiday mayhem!

But the great thing is that he's completely potty trained, loves preschool, and can't wait to see Grandma and Grandpa J in California over Thanksgiving. (Is it just me or did Thanksgiving totally sneak up on us this year?)

But preschool is really making me realize that time seems to be going by so much faster. Which I'm really banking on getting me through the sleepless nights this new baby is going to bring with her. Oh the joy. But it also motivates me to consciously slow down. Things aren't going to magically get less crazy or less busy, I'm pretty sure those things are just going to escalate at a faster rate. But if we can be happy crazy and happy busy I'm going to count that as a win. :)

So on days like today - with dishes piled in the sink, a to-do list a mile long, and a mangled peanut butter and jelly sandwich sitting next to my keyboard (thank you Brody) - I have a preschooler. Who poops in the potty. Life is good.



Emily said...

Amen, girl! Its finding the blessings in the little things!!

Unknown said...

Sooooo cute!!! I also potty trained my kids early - best thing ever to get them off those nasty dippers :) I wish you all the best regarding your new baby and I'll be praying for a quick and smooth delivery.

Unknown said...

Sooooo cute! I also potty trained my kids early - Best thing ever when they didn't need to wear dippers anymore :)
I'll be praying you have a quick and smooth delivery and that your baby girl will be healthy and as cute as Brody.

Sierra and Ryan said...

That little boy is so adorable. But he is looking more like a big boy now --crazy! I loved the video of him counting to 10, the kid is too smart :-D

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