Scene: Getting ready to go out, I'm wearing a fitted top with jeans that don't fit perfectly in the waist so also wearing a belt (to avoid saggy jeans and the aforementioned risk of "overexposure")
Tyan: "I hate belts! Why don't my jeans just fit so I won't have to wear one and look stupid!?"
Jared: "Everyone will totally know that's a belt, maybe tuck your shirt in and it will look better."
Tyan: "Can't, not one of those shirts that can be tucked in without looking like I'm in 8th grade, or in a rodeo, or in a fashion nightmare."
Two days later I'm reading my favorite Glamour blog and discovered this little lovely! It's called an "Isabelt" (I would have called it an "Invisabelt" but hey, I'm not the genius that created it) It's a clear, flat belt that allows you to wear a long top without having the weird "belt bulge" from a regular belt, but still keeping your pants where they should be! Genius!
If your belt is going to be seen, please, where a regular belt (in the same vein - those clear plastic brastraps aren't fooling anyone, we still see them tacky mctackerson). But if you're wearing a longer shirt and want everything to be smooth, pick up one of these here - and thank me later.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Why didn't I think of this?
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Is it all just a little too much?
Today, I was sitting in the doctor's office next to what I guessed to be a grandma, a fairly new mom, and her young daughter, . Everyone was quiet waiting to be seen, including the little toddler. She was so cute and was making lots of faces when the grandma commented to her daughter, "You'd better tell her to stop doing that or she's going to need Botox pretty soon." I'm sure she was kidding but still I was still slightly disturbed.
It made me wonder - How many three and four year old girls know how to say Botox? Probably more than we want to believe. What's even more scary to think about is how many teenage girls think about getting Botox the same way they do their driver's license or college degree - that it is the norm, almost expected once you reach a certain age.
At 25, I am the oldest of my three sisters, the youngest is 18. Our mom is a gorgeous southern woman (with great skin) who has done a great job of raising four daughters with no major self esteem issues to report, a feat in itself in today's society. We all use sunscreen, moisturizer, and anti-wrinkle creams pretty religiously which isn't out of the ordinary for those our age - but when does it get to be a little too much, or is it already?
As a 15 yr old at the beach I never worried about getting wrinkles from squinting all day, I put on sunscreen because I didn't want to deal with pain and peeling, not to because I imagined skin cancer to be one sunburn away, and I put on moisturizer at night because it felt good on my face, not because I was watching for the first sign of wrinkles like a hawk. Is that still the case for 15 yr. olds today? Doubt it.
Why is wrinkle a "four letter word" these days? And why are little girls being told to "be careful or you'll need Botox pretty soon"? Don't get me wrong, I'm not against fully grown women doing whatever they want to make themselves feel better, I'm just very against giving a child a complex about how they look before they're old enough use a fork, or drive for that matter.
Interesting video showing just how crazy the media is about portraying "beauty", check it out.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
"Project" Saturdays
Saturdays for me equal sleeping late, catching a pilates class (if I wake up on time), reading some magazines, maybe perusing the mall for a bit, and then doing something fun that night after a day of relaxing to the max. That is until Jared and I got married and I discovered that Saturdays are for projects and sweating and getting things done, a Jacox tradition I've been told.
Since we had company coming in this weekend it seemed to be Super Project Saturday - cleaning everything in the house and "touching up some paint in the bathroom", which turned into painting everything that is white, well, whiter. It took a good six hours or so (I did sneak in a little nap in the afternoon during "mopping time") but I must say it feels good to look around and see everything spic and span.
I definitely married the hardest working man I know, and while I didn't bank on Saturdays being as busy as they are, I'm sure thankful for the end result - and that Sundays are for napping!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Long time no blog
I hope this break in blogging hasn't alienated you, my legion of faithful readers. I haven't forgotten you!
been very busy with my new camera and such but have had no time to post. Rest assured, more good stuff on the way...
P.S. - Has everyone seen the new Bourne movie by now? I'm going to go ahead and deem it the best of the Bournes. Surely there will be more, no?